Mastering the art of storytelling to drive change.

Celinda Lake, Political Pollster and Founder of Lake Research Partners

Mark McKinnon, Host and Cofounder of Showtime’s “The Circus”

Norman J. Ornstein, Congressional Scholar at AEI and Columnist at The Atlantic

Gilad Gordon, Watergate Impeachment Hearing Attendee

A reading from the 1987 conspiracy movie “No Way Out” – and how the GOP is acting it out 30 years later

Kirsten Powers, CNN Analyst and USA Today Columnist

Melissa Henneberger, USA Today Columnist

Congressman Tom O’Halleran (D-AZ)

Jennifer Rodgers, CNN Legal Analyst

J.D. Grom., Executive Director, New Democrat Coalition

Norman Ornstein: Congressional Scholar, American Enterprise Institute

Neal Simon, Maryland Candidate for U.S. Senate

Heidi Pryzbyla, Reporter, USA Today

Max Temkin, Founder, Cards Against Humanity

U.S. Representative John Delaney

Kristina Peterson, Congressional Correspondent, Wall Street Journal

Josh Krashaaur, Politics Editor, National Journal

Mark McKinnon, Creator of Showtime’s “The Circus”

U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer

Robert Costa, National Political Reporter, The Washington Post

Jack Crittenden, Author, Direct Deliberate Democracy

Josh Kraushaar, Managing Editor for Politics, National Journal

Jon Kyl, Former U.S. Senator (R-AZ)

U.S. Representative John Sarbanes (D-MD)

Ross Barkan, Contributor, Village Voice

Bill Burton, Former Deputy White House Press Secretary

Melinda Henneberger, Columnist, USA Today

U.S. Representative Steve Israel (D-NY)

Jonathan Rauch, Contributing Editor, The Atlantic

Michael Golden, Election Day Monologue

Mark McKinnon, Creator of Showtime’s “The Circus”

Mark McKinnon was a Senior Advisor to President George W. Bush. He talks to Michael about producing his new hit show, The Circus, and also about the crazy 2016 political cycle, the upcoming presidential debates and the hidden meaning behind his ubiquitous Open Road Stetson!

David Axelrod, Founder, Institute of Politics, Former Senior White House Advisor

To vote or not to vote

In 2008, 65 million Democrats turned out versus 52 million Republicans. President Obama was elected and his party held both chambers in Congress. But in 2010, in the “Tea Party Wave,” Democratic turnout fell to 39 million, while 45 million GOP voters went to the polls.


“I love learning about cutting-edge ideas and getting to know the dreamers who’re turning them into realities. Tune in to THE GOLDEN MEAN where I’ll introduce you to a fascinating array of social innovators and original thinkers. We’re all in this thing together — so let’s talk about it!”



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